Lego Instructions/Legends of Chima/Speedorz

5003839 Speedorz Collection
5004240 Fire Speedorz Collection
6031641 Lion Tribe Ripcord and Topper
70011 Eagles' Castle
70100 Ring of Fire
70101 Target Practice
70102 CHI Waterfall
70103 Boulder Bowling
70104 Jungle Gates
70105 Nest Dive
70106 Ice Tower
70107 Skunk Attack
70108 Royal Roost
70109 Whirling Vines
70110 Tower Target
70111 Swamp Jump
70112 Croc Chomp
70113 CHI Battles
70114 Sky Joust
70115 Ultimate Speedor Tournament
70136 Banana Bash
70137 Bat Strike
70138 Web Dash
70139 Sky Launch
70140 Stinger Duel
70149 Scorching Blades
70150 Flaming Claws
70151 Frozen Spikes
70155 Inferno Pit
70156 Fire vs. Ice